My Expectation About Education
The following essay was submitted by me in the institute essay competition on the occasion of the National Education Day:11th Nov (2009). Though it did not fetch me any prize, I definitely enjoyed writing it and expect the viewers to have the same feeling reading it. So here it goes... Education is the treasure of a lifetime that cannot be bought, inherited or bargained. All one requires is a heart to learn, and an appropriate place that enhances the process of learning. The quality of education delivered from such a place, usually a school, college or some other similar institution, depends upon the sincerity of the learner and the efficacy of the educator. A proper mix of both the aforesaid components leads to what is called ‘A Complete Education’, one that the student can make use of, as a guide or a tool in the life that awaits him after his formal education is finished. Since I am a student undergoing Higher Education, I would like to confine myself with my expectations from...