
Showing posts from November, 2013

Food for thought #If You Get Married For One Of These Reasons Then Marriage Is A Social Obligation For You!#

Why does young India get married? Or to be more precise, why does young educated urban/sub-urban India get married? The ideal answer(s) to this question would be: Because they have found the love of their lives, that person is the one for them, they want to wake up every morning next to them, they cannot imagine their lives without them, they want to spend the rest of their lives with them, they want to grow old with them. (Okay, sorry! Too much mushiness happening here!) But hey, we are talking about India, aren’t we? So who is this young India? Let’s define them first: We are the young Indians, we go to college, we complete university, we have fancy degrees like and MBA’s from even fancier institutes like the IITs and IIMs. Some of us even have foreign degrees; you see imported  maal  is always good. We work in big multinationals and banks and what not. Our dear young India is very modern, you see. We only talk in English, drink black coffee, strictly...