A Heavy diet and a fun Night!

15th August...it was my last birthday here at college and trust me it was one of the best! Birthdays here at NITT are not like the normal ones that 'normal' people celebrate...they are grand and the 'GPL' is grander ;) As always being a national holiday, we were free for the entire day! So we set out for market by 5 itself (Actually we had decided for 4 but then all of us were fast asleep...) After some 'book' shopping we went to the THAI, a great place at chhatram where they give quality food. And then began the eating part. Once the food is on the table noone cares about anything else but it. The soul important work to be done is devour it all, as much as you can and as quickly as you can so you always have room for more! It was no different at my party. We ate and ate, this being our first outing of the semester to the city and we dint want to miss it. The bill reached a 100 short of 2000 bucks and I obliged.

Then we had a round of Icecreams, which were awesome and big, too big after having eaten 2k worth of food. Finally we set out for college and reached back by 10. It rained badly and the breeze was hillariously cold and charming. It took us all no time to sack out.



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